Monday 11 April 2011


foxy (comparative foxier, superlative foxiest)
having the qualities of a fox
attractive, sexy (of a person) red-haired.

fox·y  (fks)
adj. fox·i·er, fox·i·est
a. Of or resembling a fox.
b. Slyly clever; crafty: a foxy scheme.
2. Having a reddish-brown color.
3. Discolored, as by age or decay; foxed.
4. Slang Sensually attractive; sexy.
5. Having a distinctive sharp flavor or aroma: foxy American grapes.
foxi·ly adv.
foxi·ness n.

I am not foxy.

I seem to be more like a lamb, actually. I do not like confrontations, and I often slink away at the idea of meeting a guy for a blind date. So "sensually attractive" may not really apply on me. Still, my inner goddess is foxy, quirky and wild. 

It is not my default personality because my work will not really tolerate it.  Thankfully, blogging will allow me to explore and display a different side of me. So here it goes...

Welcome to Fate's Foxy F's 

F - It can stand for a number of things: favorites, fancy finds, fun,  food, flavor, fear and more... 

So thanks for stopping by. Give me some time. This is going to be fabulous. ^-^


he shook my hand
when i was hoping for an embrace
i shook his hand back
but what i wanted was 
to hold on to him and say
all the things i still want to say

love, forever...
it doesn't always turn out
the way i want them to
often it fails, leaving me
to play memories over and over
trying so hard to hold on 
even when letting go
is really the only option

i want to forget you
but doing so is like     
     ridding pieces of my soul